Wow! It's been over a month since I last updated my blog. Sorry guys, just been going through some tough times, but things are all good. I just haven't been able to get my stuff scanned. Anyway, here are my doodles for the past 45 days that I've been MIA. I apologize if some are so crappy! Well, enjoy!

I went fishing with a couple of friends and I got the ugliest tan ever!

My goddaughter, Audrey, had her "Gnomeo & Juliet" birthday party today.

We went to Joe's Crab Shack for my dad's birthday. Oh he was happy! Happy 70th Birthday! falling. The worst thing about it, is falling out of it.

Visited an old friend today. Had a good talk with him.

Hung out with my new goddaughter, Simone, today with her daddy and uncle Myan.

I just realized it's already been a month since I graduated. How time flies!

I just saw this Indian film called "Like Stars On Earth." It's a really good movie. This was inspired by the kid in the movie.

Hooters night with the boys!

It never fails to cheer them up!

I've been steaming my buns off in the steam room at the gym. It's so relaxing.

I became a godparent today, for the forth time. I love it!

I've been in the bay area for most of my life, and I just now rode the trolly for the first time.

I worked my butt off doing some yard work today.

Time to get in shape!

Happy birthday to my mom, and happy 4th to you guys!

Another hot day.

I went to Joe's Crab Shack with my sis, and boy I left so happy! Yum!

Today was just way too hot to do anything!

Unpacking and cleaning...and unpacking...and cleaning...and more unpacking and cleaning!

Now that I'm back home, I'm bored.

Never will I rent from Budget again! I just had the worst moving experience ever!

Gonna miss you guys!

After 2 and half years in my apartment, I'm saying bye bye! =(


Portfolio Show today. Bring it on!

Running around doing last minute stuff for Portfolio Show.

No more school and I feel good!

Watched Bruno Mars at the Del Mar Fair last night. It was awesome!!

I went to the Del Mar Fair today with a couple of friends and we saw these sheep with dreadlocks.
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